As from Friday the 21st July we go to Summer time training. Apologies for any inconvenience caused... the schools where the Tae Kwon Do training is held often use this time for maintenance. Please always check your newsletters, emails and our Facebook page here: incase of last minute class changes. Also please never drop off your children without checking that there is an instructor there. Any missed training time can be made up at another club. July
Cancelled Class - Saturday 27th February 2016 Sorry folks... Saturday's sparring and stamina class is cancelled this Saturday 27th Feb, although is on next week as normal. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Werrington Tae Kwon Do class is on as normal, you can also go to our Friday class 7-8pm in Bourne, sparring will be on there.
NewsKeep up to date with our latest news on classes, gradings & competitions. Archives
December 2021